Team Selection Policy 2022

Photo: Garry Jones

Team Selection window 2022

Skateboarders will be selected to either the “Pro” or “Flow” Skateboard GB teams during the 2022 selection window.

Selection to the Skateboard GB “Pro” or “Flow” teams will be reviewed annually

Skateboarders who are unable or do not feel ready to apply during the 2022 selection window will have a selection opportunity in 2023 when the window reopens. Skateboard GB will communicate the opening and closing of the 2023 selection window via the Skateboard GB website and social media channels.

The 2022 team selection window opens on Friday 4th of March and closes on Monday 4th of April.

Team selection policy and disCipline specific documents 2022

Before applying to be a member of the Skateboard GB’s “Pro” or “Flow” teams, skateboarders must:

  • Read about how and meet the selection and eligibility criteria within Skateboard GB’s “Team Selection Policy 2022” (below).


Download here:

  • Read about how and meet the selection and eligibility criteria of the chosen team and discipline (discipline specific documents below).

skateboard park

Download here:

skateboard street

Download here:

Next Step

If you wish to be considered for the Skateboard GB “Pro” or “Flow” team please complete the Application Form